According to EEA, 9 out of 10 Alpine glaciers could melt away by 2100 and with them 7 out of 10 Alpine winter retreats. The future of our winters and winter sports is melting before our eyes.
To raise awareness on the subject, we are sending a small piece of the Triglav glacier on an unforgivable journey to the Beijing Olympics. Together with Ciril Komotar and the team of Studio Beijing, TOLI (Triglav Olympic Legendary Ice) is already turning heads, opening eyes and informing people on the necessity of changes and solutions, which could help us slow down the global glacial meltdown.
Follow the glacier on the road
Will we still be able to ski in Europe in 50 years?
The European Environment Agency (EEA) predicts that 84% of all European icebergs will disappear. Consequently, if the trends in the greenhouse gas emissions continue, up to75% of all ski resorts might be forced to close.
How much is 1,200 billion tonnes?
Together the annual volume of melted ice would form an ice cube with a side of 10 kilometres. You would need an hour and a half to walk by each side. This is the quantity of melted ice in 2020, while numbers indicate that it will further increase.
Climate change could be fatal for the Olympics.
Climate change is now even starting to melt the Olympic Rings! In 2050 only 9 and in 2080 only 6 of allpast 23 host cities will be suitable for the organisation of Winter Olympics.
Melting of mountains’ binder triggers an avalanche of change.
With climate change the icebergs, mountains’ protectors, are losing their power. With their melting the glue of white peaks - the mountain permafrost - is gradually disappearing. As a result, the mountain massifs are falling apart.

Our mission


Mine, Yours, Our Mission!

Climate warming is the result of human activity. So, we can slow down the pace of climate change. Me, you, we. Every step matters, no matter how small. Slovenians boast many charismatic Olympic legends. In this mission they will lead our efforts in rewriting the future of our planet. Join us.